EspaliersWe Cultivate

Our vision: We Cultivate


Espaliers responds to the living aspect of architecture in its most refined form.
We develop solutions for important living areas, no matter how small or large.
We firmly believe that our fine greenery is an added value in the design or renovation of better, more beautiful and high-quality living environments.

Moreover, our green buffers will ensure that living closer together becomes more pleasant. We will cultivate the disruptive edges of society and at the same time make it deeper, more beautiful and greener.

We invite you to join us - are you a private individual, a designer, a builder, an architect in any specialisation? For sophisticated, demanding projects, we have trees that transcend traditional solutions.

Our view on privacy

We see your privacy as your freedom. Espaliers guarantees that freedom in a natural way with green, low-maintenance solutions.

We don't just solve a privacy problem. We make sure you forget it was ever there.

The impact of privacy is underestimated. Yet we do not make it more important than it is. The other unique Espalier added value that our trees can bring about transcends that of the functional.

Our vision on sun protection

We prefer the word sun filtering. Our living filters let the sun's beauty through and keep out the annoying stuff.

The more finely tuned these filters are to your living zone, the more qualitatively it can be experienced.

Our sun filtering has little to do with shade, but rather with movement and light.

Our vision of space

Respect for space and for trees. Not self-evident, because trees take up a lot of space, just like us. Our trees create space and can be integrated in places where most trees cannot be planted or only temporarily.

We avoid pruning, candelabra and chainsaw pruning. We have decided to grow to depth. By creating depth in smaller gardens (but also in larger, more refined gardens) we aim for the same effect as volume but with more light.

Our vision of light

The right light determines the colour and at the same time the atmosphere. This is one element that you cannot immediately grasp in the garden or on the terrace, but it has a great impact, even indoors.

We are able to make full use of the transparency of leaves in our creations and open tree canopies. This allows you to create atmospheres like in the most beautiful places in a forest.
Light is closely linked to time. The right light experience at the right time is what we are aiming for.

The Espaliers Team


With friends, feet in the sand, waiting for the waves. Timing and positioning. My search for the right place at the right time started as a surfer. The ability to isolate or retreat with the right people. Shifting focus to what matters at that moment and feeling part of nature. In my opinion, the ingredients for feeling good.

As a young tree grower, I felt the same quest with my customers.
"How can I remove disturbing elements from my daily living environment?"
It became my passion to grow trees that could buffer, filter or hide disturbing elements. To grow trees that can replace, soften or accentuate artificial solutions.

With our 'We - vision' we have built a structure with open-minded people and partners who believe in the new quality living environments of the future.


Cultivating innovative green solutions in combination with getting in touch with people who care about their living environment leads us to unique green concepts.

The details are important, the possibilities enormous. Thanks to our many years of experience in the field, we know our trees like no other. Together with the customer, we make the right choices and are able to offer unique solutions for every project.

In addition, we focus not only on growing trees but also on cultivating the working environment & the people around us. Not only our vision of "the right tree in the right place", but also of "the right person in the right place", ensures a challenging work culture with a focus on personal growth.


From childhood, going into the mountains with family and friends. The intense beauty, the admiration, but above all the respect for nature was my foundation.
Coincidence or not, I ended up in the ornamental plant sector. After a few years of experience in production and export, Tom and Bérengère knew how to 'trigger' me with their vision to join the Espaliers team.

Where with my previous employers, it was mostly about price and quantities, Espaliers has a different mindset.
In a world where time pressure, stress and commercial considerations often take the upper hand, Espaliers' philosophy is all about atmosphere, feeling and integration. Here, trees are grown with a clear vision, with a green view of the world and the future.
Green is healthy, powerful, to live under or next to. Green is freedom, respect for nature.

Green is pure...... passion!


I came to Espaliers in early 2020. From the first meeting on, there was a click, there is a nice atmosphere with respect for everyone.

At Espaliers I find peace among the trees, as I do at the weekend during my walks in the woods.
I get the necessary support but also the freedom to develop fully. It is enriching to be able to work out the projects and to come up with a new design every time.
I also like to take responsibility for the invoicing and administrative matters.
See you at the nursery!


From my first day at work with the Espaliers team, I have felt at home and welcome.

The family atmosphere and the passion of the whole team immediately draw you into a green story.

Everyone works here with a big smile and that makes it nice to come to work every day!

As a garden architect, I like to look for creative solutions and designs in which I always try to think out of the box.

A green environment is something that everyone should be able to experience and I enjoy the challenge of realising this as much as possible!


As a boatman's daughter, I grew up on the water and have always experienced nature up close. In the summer, with my feet overboard in the water, we would sail on the rivers between the tall trees of our gigantic garden. This was pure enjoyment and are moments I think back of with a smile on my face.

I myself did not follow in my parents' footsteps, but remained in the transport sector. After 16 years of working for a road transport company, I decided to start a new chapter in my life in order to get closer to nature again and pursue my own values and standards.

During my first meeting with Bérengère, it quickly became clear that Espaliers' vision was completely in line with mine.

So I am delighted that they are giving me the chance to bring a piece of nature closer to people.


"Ik weet nog wanneer ik op een namiddag aankwam bij mijn vader en hem aantrof in zijn hangmat in de tuin, kijkend naar de rijen metershoge bomen die achteraan stonden te dansen op de wind. Hij zei dat de mens het veel te weinig doet: eens goed kijken naar wat er rondom hem leeft, want de pure schoonheid van de natuur geeft je rust zoals niets anders dat kan.   

Bij Espaliers heb ik de kans gekregen deze herinnering elke dag een beetje te herleven, en sterker nog, mee te werken aan de blijvende realisatie ervan. Ik mag meewerken aan tal van projecten die onze omgeving een stukje groener maken, in een wereld waar dat steeds waardevoller en schaarser wordt.

Net zoals de bomen dat hier doen, kijk ook ik uit om mezelf verder te kunnen ontwikkelen binnen het warme team van Espaliers. Hier groeit de natuur door de mens, maar toch zeker ook omgekeerd."


"In een maatschappij die moeite heeft met het erkennen van waarden en respect, waar facts en figures boven het individu staan, is er zeker weinig plaats voor de terugkeer naar de essentie en het gelukkig zijn met kleine dingen.

Deze verwondering vind ik nog steeds terug in de natuur en onze honden. Een wandeling met mijn man en onze duitse herders in de Ardense bossen of dichterbij maken me bewust van de schoonheid van het leven.

Na een professionele loopbaan als boekhouder van 35 jaar bij diverse bedrijfssectoren kwam ik uiteindelijk terecht bij Espaliers, een andere manier van denken en voelen.

De mindset blijft de grote sterkmaker binnen dit team en genereert succes en respect. Espaliers is thuiskomen"

In opstart!
> Sam


En niet te vergeten ons TEAM  'groene vingers'

Zij zijn de basis van onze kwekerij. Ze kweken de bomen, verzorgen ze, snoeien ze, onderhouden de kwekerij, helpen bij het laden, ....

Wil jij OOK ons team versterken?

Neem vandaag nog contact met ons op!

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